बच्चाहरु को लागी चियर
Cheers for Children brings some of the region’s favorite breweries, wineries, distilleries, and cideries together, along with food tastings for a fun and festive night out.
Cheers for Children brings some of the region’s favorite breweries, wineries, distilleries, and cideries together, along with food tastings for a fun and festive night out.
Drink Ralph's Wine
संलग्न हुनुहोस्
उपस्थित हुन 21+ हुनु पर्छ
यो घटना
लिसाको रक्सी बार्न द्वारा प्रस्तुत
बच्चाहरु को लागी चियर
सेप्टेम्बर २८, २०२४
गाउँको गेट | दोस्रो तल्ला एट्रियम
लिसाको रक्सी बार्न द्वारा प्रस्तुत
Cheers for Children provides guests with a variety of tastings of wine, beer, spirits and food from our region. Enjoy games, dancing, psychic readings, henna tattoos, or bidding on some incredible silent auction items; just to name a few of the entertainment options available to you this year. Think Vegas meets Rochester! Your support of this event positively impacts the children and families we serve. Ticket includes a variety of tastings of wine, beer, spirits, and food from our region + DJ, dancing, henna tattoos, games, psychic readings, and more!
लिसाको रक्सी बार्न द्वारा प्रस्तुत
Host an Event
Hosting a fundraising event can be a powerful tool for raising funds, raising awareness, engage with the community, and advance the mission and goals of The Child Advocacy Center.